Limited to 1 VIP Week per month, apply now to save your spot. 

Your shortcut to less stress and more sales.

Get a conversion-optimized sales page or email sequence in under 5 days.


You can have a beautiful website, a million dollars in ad spend, and an absolutely fire webinar—but ultimately it’s the words on the page that inspire people to take action. 

And without the right message, you’re missing out on sales.

‘Cause here’s the thing: even the best products don’t sell themselves.

So you find yourself… 

→ Second-guessing that email sequence that was supposed to be finalized two weeks ago

→ Unsure of how to write in a way that sells without compromising your integrity

→ Agonizing over what to say in your copy, writing and rewriting (and rewriting…) 

You’ve got an offer that’s going to change lives. Now you just need the messaging to match. 

With the right email sequence and sales page (and a strategic partner by your side), you can skyrocket your revenue—without adding more work to your plate.

The good news?

You spend so. much. time. working to build traffic, generate leads, and get people onto your email list—that somehow the most important pieces fall through the cracks. 

Your sales page and emails are what actually drive revenue in your funnel. Yet they keep ending up at the bottom of your neverending (and ever-growing) to-do list.

No matter where your traffic comes from, eventually every lead ends up in one of two places: your email list or your sales page

Imagine if your only job during launch week was to sit back and watch as your offer

sold itself.

That’s the power of copy that takes your ideal client on a journey, positions you as the go-to expert, and seamlessly closes the deal (even when you’re watching Netflix working on business development)

When your copy is your best salesperson, there’s no need to spend hours on IG stories, hosting live events, or answering an endless stream of questions. You can let your emails do the heavy lifting and send leads to your sales page with confidence. 

More importantly, you can close your laptop and step away without sacrificing revenue.

So you can…

→ Sign off early to enjoy a movie night with your family empowerment 

→ Take your dog for a mid-day hike and leave your phone behind

→ Land a new paid-in-full, dream client – while soaking in the bath with a book and glass of rosé 

sold itself.

Imagine if your only job during launch week was to sit back and watch as your offer

That’s the power of copy that takes your ideal client on a journey, positions you as the go-to expert, and seamlessly closes the deal (even when you’re watching Netflix working on business development)

When your copy is your best salesperson, there’s no need to spend hours on IG stories, hosting live events, or answering an endless stream of questions. You can let your emails do the heavy lifting and send leads to your sales page with confidence

More importantly, you can close your laptop and step away without sacrificing revenue.

So you can…

→ Sign off early to enjoy a movie night with your family

→ Take your dog for a mid-day hike and leave your phone behind

→ Land a new paid-in-full, dream client—while soaking in the bath with a book and glass of rosé 

Your only job is to sit back and relax while I serve up research-backed sales copy that actually sounds like you and makes your ideal client wonder where you’ve been all her life.

Your fast pass to tailor-fit messaging, increased conversions, and an easier, less stressful launch.

Meet the Copy Party VIP Week.


– Amanda Kolbye, Laptop Lifestyle Co.

In the past, I struggled to find quality writers who were able to pick up my voice and understand my industry – but Megan has absolutely blown me away. My reaction to her work is is she in my head? and ‘no edits.’ Instead of just writing to get the task done, she thinks strategically about her work, and on top of that, she's so responsive and easy to work with.”

Megan has been a godsend.

– Sarah Dickson, Business Coach & Mentor

I knew that writing wasn't my strong suit, especially for my own business. Megan made the whole experience so simple and easy! She went above and beyond to create testimonial forms, interview my clients, and gather voice of customer data. When we work together, I know my project is in great hands.”

An experienced copywriter will change your business – and Megan is the real deal.

– Luan Jardine, Facebook Ads Strategist

Megan really understands the way people think and can also write copy in a way that's fun! It's nice to be seen, heard, and delivered a product that will convert but also feels like ME. I was so impressed with how she set everything up, and it was a stellar client experience."

This sales page made me want to buy my own program.

– Kristen VanderHoek, Cursor & Ink

I’d had an email sequence set up for years but it wasn’t converting – I felt like I’d cobbled something together and said ‘good enough’ and walked away. Now I feel excited to have a lead gen funnel that truly expresses how passionate I am about my work and it's such a RELIEF to know I’m no longer leaving money on the table. I finally have the confidence to own my message and expertise.”

The whole experience was EMPOWERING!

Need more than one of these? Ask about bundled pricing for back-to-back VIP Weeks!

Webinar Landing Page + Show-Up Sequence 

Client Experience Workflow Emails

Waitlist or Pre-Launch Nurture Emails

Welcome Sequence

Launch or Evergreen Sales Sequence

Long-Form Sales Page

In just 3-5 days, we can knock off any of the following from your to-do list:

Pick your


Extended payment plans available at no extra cost, starting at $500/month.

Investment: $3,000

Your VIP Week includes:
  • Signature Pre-Party Questionnaire
  • 60-minute kickoff call
  • Sales page or email sequence copy
  • Market and voice of customer research
  • Unlimited revisions to ensure you love every word

That’s why the Copy Party lasts 3-5 days, so you’re not just walking away with what I can get done in 8 hours, but a polished sales page or email sequence that you can use over and over again. 

VIP Days are so last year…

After the research phase is complete, I’ll get to work carefully crafting your copy, and by Wednesday afternoon it will be delivered ready to go – so all you have to do is hit copy and paste! 

The After Party

I’ll dive into your brand voice, assess competitor options to ensure your copy stands out, and pull key messages directly from your target audience into a custom Messaging Guide for your offer.

The Big Bash

We’ll kick things off with a 60-minute call to dive deeper into your long-term vision and funnel goals, so we can map out a strategy to bring that vision to life. After our call, your work is done!


Hold my whiskey sour.

Is a stress-free launch even possible?

My job is to help you stress less and earn more—while making sure you feel seen, supported, and celebrated every step of the way. 

If you want a copywriter who follows instructions and never asks questions…I’m not your girl.

If you want an experienced partner to help smooth the way, offer an honest outside opinion, and strategize your best launch yet—I’m there.

Together, we’ll dive deep into your funnel and customer research to make sure your copy is primed for conversion and authentic connection.

Hey, I’m Megan—research-driven copywriter, sales funnel strategist, and your new secret weapon. 


Meet your partner in crime

I am NOT the partner for you if you don’t believe in market research, aren’t willing to be transparent with your audience, or value making a sale over serving your clients.

You’re ready to hand things over to an expert, but still want to be involved in the process.

You understand the value of market research and getting to know your audience.

You want to create a positive buying experience that feels good for both you and your customers.

You believe in empowering your audience to take action—not pushing them into the sale.

We’ll work well together if…

Past clients have described the Copy Party as epic, dazzling, and enlightening…but I’ll let you be the judge. 

You could write your copy yourself, hand it off to your VA, or price shop for a copywriter to write your sales page for $20/hour…and end up right back where you started. 

Or you could choose to work with a strategic partner who’ll guide you through the funnel-building process, optimize for conversions, and ensure your copy not only feels authentically like you—but also gets results.

Can we get real for a sec?


good enough

You’ve come too far and worked too hard to gamble it all on copy that can’t close the deal. So let’s close it.

You deserve more than just