You need more than just a coach—you need a strategic partner to take things off your plate, smooth the way, and offer valuable outside perspective and experience.
You know your offer can make a real difference, but only with the right messaging behind it. Without a real conversion strategy you end up…
→ Relying on guesswork instead of market research to validate your ideas
→ Putting something out there and crossing your fingers it lands with your audience
→ Wondering where you went wrong with your last launch and why you weren’t able to hit those revenue goals
The thing is, you don’t want help from just anybody. You care about your brand and know it deserves the absolute best.
You need more than just a coach—you need a strategic partner to take things off your plate, smooth the way, and offer valuable outside perspective and experience.
You know your offer can make a real difference, but only with the right messaging behind it. Without a real conversion strategy you end up…
→ Relying on guesswork instead of market research to validate your ideas
→ Putting something out there and crossing your fingers it lands with your audience
→ Wondering where you went wrong with your last launch and why you weren’t able to hit those revenue goals
The thing is, you don’t want help from just anybody. You care about your brand and know it deserves the absolute best.
And I’m so fucking here for it.
In hindsight, it seems obvious. I was always meant to do my own thing.
But it took a long time to go from seeing entrepreneurship as something to admire to something I could actually DO.
In the end, it was women like you that inspired me to take the leap.
I could count on one hand the number of female entrepreneurs I saw growing up—now it seems everywhere you look there are badass female founders making a difference.
Women whose ambition doesn’t stop at creating a better life for themselves, but also a better world for their family, friends, and community.
A few years later, my life looked something like this:
Prestigious pre-med degree
Dream job in medical research
Desperately unfulfilled despite checking all the boxes
So I did what I was supposed to do. I went to school, got a degree, and pursued the “traditional” path to success.
I skipped straight ahead to a full restaurant—printed menus, “drive through” window, the whole nine.
That was age seven. By 13, I was running a full-blown cake-decorating business from my mom’s kitchen.
But despite the fact that I was always starting businesses as a kid, I never considered entrepreneurship to be a career option.
The business world felt inaccessible to me—like the ultimate boys’ club.
Most importantly, we do it all in a way that feels good to you and your customers.
I’ve helped my clients…
→ Double their launch revenue and conversion rates
→ Launch successful passive income funnels
→ Raise their prices by 50% and pay themselves a regular salary for the first time since starting their business
(This almost makes it worth sitting through all those organic chemistry classes. Almost.)
– Kristen VanderHoek, Cursor & Ink
“The entire experience was EMPOWERING! It was so validating to have an expert listen to all of my ramblings, look at my brand, and express the value of what I do in a way that truly feels like me. It's not just me guessing at what I think is important, but a marketing expert saying, ‘THIS is the right message that is true to who you are AND will drive growth in your business.”
– Luan Jardine, Facebook Ads Strategist
It honestly feel like she’s one of my friends ready to cheer me on. Launching is so lonely, and no friends or family knew how stressed I was because they haven't gone through it. Having someone to talk to through the process meant a lot to me. I felt so seen, supported, and celebrated.”
– zuza hicks, Brand strategist
My entire perspective has shifted. I'm genuinely excited about running my business. I feel a renewed sense of confidence that I'm on the right path and that with Megan's support and guidance, I'll achieve my goals."
There are far too many “shoulds” in life. We’re fiercely independent, and champion our clients’ freedom and independence, too—the freedom to choose their own path and find success in the way that works best for them.
3. Do Things Differently
We’re dreamers with boots on. We’re not afraid to shoot for the impossible, but know it’ll take hard work and an unswerving dedication to excellence to get there. From our vision for a better industry to our commitment to going above and beyond for our clients, “good enough” just isn’t good enough.
2. Aim Higher
We hand bullhorns to people who traditionally haven’t had a voice, and remove barriers to equal access wherever we can—not only through the clients we work with, but in our own business practices and operations.
1. Tear Down Barriers
From daily interactions to big moments, we’re committed to:
(Big Sister and the calm to Megan’s chaos)
Operations Manager
(Chief Mischief Officer)
Swipe my proven system to fill your pipeline with warm, high-quality leads ASAP, so you don’t waste any more time creating content or second-guessing your prices.
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