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30. How to Break Up with Overworking

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Hard work does NOT equal success.

It is a tough pill to swallow, but 14-hour work days aren’t actually what’s best for your business. We’ve all been programmed to think working hard is a virtue…but what if it’s actually holding us back?  

If you’d told me a year ago that working less was the key to making more money, I would have laughed in your face. But here I am, living proof that not only is it *possible* to work less and earn more but I’m also forced to admit that all those hours spent hustling actually did more harm than good.

In this episode, I’m breaking down exactly what I did to turn my business around—from burnout to full-time income on part-time hours (while traveling the world). And if you know me, you know I hold nothing back. 😉

  • How toxic productivity culture could be holding you back without you even realizing
  • 3 questions to reframe your relationship with work 
  • How to hit your financial goals without burning out
  • The real story on how I’m working less and making more—no gatekeeping, just tangible action items)
  • Is busyness stalling your business growth?
  • How to cut out what isn’t helping you grow (+ the biggest 2 timewasters I removed from my own biz)


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30. How to Break Up with Overworking

I'm Megan—but you can call me Meg. As a copywriter and consultant, I help trailblazing entrepreneurs like you find their voice, disrupt the narrative, and build long-lasting, impactful brands.

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