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35. How to Raise Your Rates Without Losing Clients: My Unconventional & Wildly Effective Process

Self-employed women in America charge 47% less than their male counterparts—here’s how to stop undervaluing yourself and attract clients who value your work.

Raising your prices is one of the easiest and fastest ways to increase your revenue, but most female entrepreneurs won’t do it until they’ve exhausted all other options. There’s a lot of internal resistance that comes with asking for more money. We don’t want to be seen as pushy or greedy. Even in cases where you know you’re undercharging, it still feels really hard to press send on that email.

Whether you KNOW you want to charge more but aren’t sure how to do it, or you’re just curious about what that would look like…this episode will show you how to increase your prices and stay booked out.

  • Why simply adding a 0 to your price or “charging your worth” is NOT the way to do it
  • My “backward” approach to pricing and why it’s so effective
  • How a pay increase can actually help you increase conversions (with examples)
  • Positioning tips to make your offers irresistible at any price
  • A proven messaging framework to sell your offers at a higher price point


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35. How to Raise Your Rates Without Losing Clients: My Unconventional & Wildly Effective Process

I'm Megan—but you can call me Meg. As a copywriter and consultant, I help trailblazing entrepreneurs like you find their voice, disrupt the narrative, and build long-lasting, impactful brands.

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